to create a space to unapologetically unpack, share, learn, unlearn, reclaim, decolonize, resist colonial legacies of intergenerational trauma/exploitation (Decolonize Mental Health) so we can stand in solidarity as well as connect over the multiple intersectional truths, lived experiences and positionalities of being Muslim + Indo-Caribbean + the descendant of indentured labourers displaced during colonization from Hindostan (present-day South Asia/ India) to the Caribbean.

Upcomming Projects:
- Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day (October 11)
- Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day Event
(October 11, 2021 from 5:30-7:30pm on Zoom)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6568903828?pwd=eGJZTG5MamRWaWhPbjFZZFpIcCs5dz09
Meeting ID: 656 890 3828
Security Password: V4PwwC
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/muslim-indo-caribbean-heritage-day-event-october-11-2021-tickets-181342429087?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
- Documentary unpacking "What does being Muslim Indo-Caribbean mean to me"?
Call for Submissions!!!!
- Book unpacking "What does being Muslim Indo-Caribbean mean to me"?
Call for Submissions!!!!
Recent Posts

Call For Blog Submissions
Call for intersectional voices unpacking the positionality of what it means to be Muslim and Indo-Caribbean
Muslim Indo-Caribbean voices unapologetically unpacking the multiple intersectional truths, identities, positionalities and lived experiences of being Muslim and Indo-Caribbean based on various cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, languages, gender identities, sexual identities, abilities, socio-economic status etc.
Articles, Spoken Word, Poetry, Art, Narratives and Videos etc.
500 words or less

― If you wish to submit please email muslimindocaribbeancollective@gmail.com

The Muslim Indo-Caribbean Collective (MICC)
The Muslim Indo-Caribbean Collective (MICC) was created recognizing the need to;
(1) to create a space to unapologetically unpack, share, learn, unlearn, reclaim, decolonize, resist colonial legacies of intergenerational trauma/exploitation (Decolonize Mental Health) so we can stand in solidarity as well as connect over the multiple intersectional truths, voices, lived experiences and positionalities of being simultaneously Muslim, Indo-Caribbean and the descendant of indentured labourers displaced by colonization from Hindostan (present-day South Asia) to the Caribbean,
(2) to have thoughtful representation and amplify Muslim Indo-Caribbean voices, truths, lived experiences in spaces they are marginalized, silenced and invisibilized in (such as Indo-Caribbean, Indentured Diasporic, Caribbean, West Indian, Indian, South Asian and Muslim spaces),
(3) to address Anti-Muslim Racism affecting Muslim Indo-Caribbeans across these community spaces, which is rarely acknowledged much-less addressed,
(4) to have a space where Muslim Indo-Caribbeans can be unapologetically Muslim Indo-Caribbean, where we do not need to code-switch like we do in other spaces (Indo-Caribbean, Indentured Diasporic, Caribbean, West Indian, Indian, South Asian and Muslim spaces), where we are unable to express our authentic selves or live in our full truths
Follow us on Instagram at @muslimindocaribbeancollective
Email us at muslimindocaribbeancollective@gmail.com
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with The Muslim Indo-Caribbean Collective (MICC)
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