to create a space to unapologetically unpack, share, learn, unlearn, reclaim, decolonize, resist colonial legacies of intergenerational trauma/exploitation (Decolonize Mental Health) so we can stand in solidarity as well as connect over the multiple intersectional truths, lived experiences and positionalities of being Muslim + Indo-Caribbean + the descendant of indentured labourers displaced during colonization from Hindostan (present-day South Asia/ India) to the Caribbean.

The Muslim
Indo-Caribbean Collective (MICC)
Upcomming Projects:
Please read below to learn more about Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day (October 11 annually), the upcomming Documentay and Book on "What does being Muslim Indo-Caribbean mean to you"?

Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day
October 11
To learn more click:
Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day (October 11) was coined by Karimah Rahman (@karimah__kr) so if this day is used or cited please give credit.
October is celebrated as Islamic Heritage Month and Caribbean Heritage Month
Muslim Indo-Caribbeans who hold both Muslim and Caribbean intersectional identities are usually invizibilized in both these spaces.
Instead of celebrating Indo-Caribbean Heritage in May rooted in the colonial holiday of Indian Arrival day, Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage should be celebrated and rooted in resistance to colonization and decolonization.
October 11 was specifically chosen by Karimah Rahman (@karimah__kr) since it is rooted in the first act of colonial resistance recorded by Indentured labourers in the Caribbean, and they were also Muslim.
In order to celebrate Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day, the Muslim Indo-Caribbean Collective (MICC) will celebrate with a Speakers Panel and the launch of a Documentary trailer, where both will unpack "What being Muslim Indo-Caribbean means to you?", based on the multiplicity and nuanced wide range of your intersectional identities, positionalities and lived experiences in order to amplify Muslim Indo-Caribbean voices.
By celebrating Muslim Indo-Caribbeans on Muslim Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day, their voices can be amplified.
Excerpt from Karimah Rahman's Short Story "When You Can’t Go Home: Journey of Tracing Ancestry and Wanting to Visit my Indian Homeland as a Muslim Descendant of Musalman Indentured Labourers During the Backdrop of Anti-Muslim Violence under India’s Hindutva and Hindu Supremacist BJP Government", published in the Book "Two Times Removed: An Anthology of Indo-Caribbean Fiction" edited by Tiara Jade Chutkhan (@bookwormbabee)
Spoken Word excerpt published in Karimah Rahman's (@karimah__kr) article "Muslim Indo-Caribbean Identity: Muslim Indentured Resistance to Colonization and Colonial Policies" by The Migration Initiative.
Muslims Jumun and Pultun were first mentioned in research by Raymond S. Chickrie and Bibi H. Khanam in their article “170th Anniversary of the Arrival of the First Hindustani Muslims from India to British Guiana” published in 2009 in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.
Indo-Caribbean Heritage Day Event
(October 11, 2021 at 5:30-7:30pm on Zoom)
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 656 890 3828
Security Password: V4PwwC
Eventbrite link:

This event will have a panel that will unpack:
"What does being Muslim Indo-Caibbean mean to you"?

Documentary on being:
Muslim Indo-Caribbean
Call for video submissions!!!!!
The Documentary will unpack "What being Muslim Indo-Caribbean means to you?", based on the multiplicity and nuanced wide range of your intersectional identities, positionalities and lived experiences in order to amplify Muslim Indo-Caribbean voices.
To submit or if you have questions please email muslimindocaribbeancollective@gmail.com
or DM us at @muslimindocaribbeancollective
Book Anthology
Unapologetically ​
Muslim Indo-Caribbean

Call for Submisions!!!!
Submissions can look like:
Art pieces
Spoken Words
Short Stories
Personal Narratives
Film Stills
And much more
If you have questions please email muslimindocaribbeancollective@gmail.com
or DM us at @muslimindocaribbeancollective
To submit fill out this Google Link Form:
The Book will unpack "What being Muslim Indo-Caribbean means to you?", based on the multiplicity and nuanced wide range of your intersectional identities, positionalities and lived experiences in order to amplify Muslim Indo-Caribbean voices, written by Muslim Indo-Caribbeans for
Muslim Indo-Caribbeans.